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Sunday, May 29, 2011


Well back again to report two excellent books that I have read recently. The first was a gift for my birthday called "The Help". The book takes place in 1961 during the civil rights movement. The book was funny and sad and I burned through the pages in anticipation of what would happen next. The characters were full of life and you couldn't help but feel that pang of sadness when you finished the book, as it leaves you wanting more of their lives as if they had become old friends.

The second book I read was on loan from a friend at work. We just switched books and were looking forward to discussing them when finished. Coincidentally she is the one who gave me the first book. The second book was called Firefly Lane, which covered the span of about forty years. It's about two girls who despite their completely different lifestyles and personalities, become great friends. This one to, will make you laugh and cry, and in addition to that be downright furious.

One of my true loves as a teenager was reading. I would buy Stephen King novels the minute they came out, and not be able to get out of the mall parking lot before cracking the binding open and getting into the first chapter. Of course I would stay up all night and scare myself half to death with books like Misery, The Shining, Carrie and It. A couple of years ago, I had an enormous amount of time on my hands and returned to the love of reading again. Starting with Stephen Kings son's (Joe Hill)new book called Heartshaped Box. Then I moved onto another author who's been around forever named Harlan Coben. Mr. Coben writes like I think, so I burned through every book the library had to offer.

There is no real point to this blog other than if you are a reader, then we understand each other. If you used to be a reader and feel you don't have time anymore, then make time. There is nothing more satisfying then jumping into a novel for a few days and forgetting the ordinary stresses of your day to day life. Now I am off to bed to dive into another novel named The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. Till we meet again, happy reading.