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Wednesday, December 28, 2011


The family dynamic is unique in every circle but always is the same universally.  I have been blessed to have spent time with my brother and his family and my sister this year that I have not seen for many years.  It amazes me that you pick up where you have left off almost immediately and I wonder if it is because of all the opportunities we are afforded in communication these days.  Social networks, text, emails, instant messaging and telephone.  I remember when I was younger having to get reacquainted with family members and it seemed to take a long time to feel like I really knew the person again.  Now, it is within a matter of hours.
No matter what the reason is, I am grateful.  It would be difficult to stuff all these lost years inside of a weeks time.  I am always the one to say that I will not let all this time pass again before scheduling our next get together, but life always gets in the way.  Regardless of the circumstances, the new communication technology's for families who are scattered to the four corners of the United States are a welcome help to keeping families strong and supportive while not living in close proximity.