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Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Secret of Life

Why I write on this subject, I begin to wonder if anybody is out there... sorry honey... I know you are somebody, but in the whole sceme of things (readers) it is not fair to count you.  Often times I think about the "secret" of life.  Do they call it that because those that actually know what it is, take it to their graves?  Hence it constantly remains a secret to the rest of us poor saps who wander through life aimlessly until we figure it out on our death beds?  I know, I know, a bit dramatic for a blog, but who is keeping score anyway?  For me there are a lot of lessons that I have learned over the years.  I will list a few:

#1. If it is to good to be true, then it probably is.
#2. Forbidden love is only sweet because it is forbidden.
#3.  Being attracted to the "bad boy" gets old the second you land him.
And of course
#4. To much of a good thing is not always so good.

These are of course all pretty standard life lessons, so is it fair to project them on the youth of our time?  Do they become a whole person if they do not learn these life lessons on their own?  These are questions I will send out into the void for answers, because, honestly, I don't have a clue.
One of life's lesson I have figured out for myself, and hopefully no where near my death bed, I will share with you.  Aren't you lucky? Is that life is always better in every way when... are you paying attention?.... write this down....

#5  Life is better when you are good, even when you know noone is watching. 

Ok that is it.  Go ahead and give me the pulitzer right now:
                                I would like to thank all my friends and family for getting me
                                here and for not abandoning me when I hadn't quite figured
                                out Life's Lesson #4. 

So, that's it.  Impressed?  I knew you would be.  Now as far as life is concerned, it should all be nothing but a carnival ride from here on out.  Right?

Monday, January 3, 2011


Have you ever had that feeling that something was about to happen?  I have.  Sometimes it was eerily accurate.  Once my boyfriend asked me to turn off the kitchen lights, and for some reason I replied "I can't or they will blow up".  Even while I was saying it, I felt like the words were not mine.  Of course he said "what?", and I shook my head, leaned over turned the light out, and all four bulbs blew.  We were cleaning that fine light bulb glass up for over a month.  Another time, I woke up in the middle of the night and told my boyfriend that someone had stolen his truck.  He went to see, and it was there.  We had spent the day detailing it and that is why I thought that I had the dream.  When he left to go to work the next day, the truck was gone. 
I have had several other times of getting that "feeling" or even a vivid dream that comes true (usually there is a particular color that stands out in the dream).  It would seem to me that it must be some sort of sensory perception.  I am sure that there have been countless studies on the subject as well as just as many skeptics.  All I know is that when it does happen, it tends to never be a good thing. 
So the only reason I bring it up, as you may have already guessed, is that I got the feeling something is going to happen.  No clue what it is yet, but let me put it this way, I am listening to my instincts.