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Monday, April 23, 2012

Full of it!

Ok, so since I started this blog pretty much everything I thought my life was has changed. I now spend my weekends with my husband & great nephew who turned eight months old today. I am buying a house which I love and can't wait to move into. Life is funny that way, as soon as you move towards a goal and get comfortable, life pulls the rug right out from underneath you. Not necessarily always a bad thing, just is. It has been such a wild ride this past year, with some real lows and some real highs and I suppose how you handle yourself during these times is the true test of character. It's like my theme song became Pat Morita's voice in the movie The Karate Kid, "Up! Down! Up! Down!" So LIFE if you are reading this I would just like to say, I am filled with character, I don't need anymore surprises, close calls, change of plans, or cruel rude awakenings. Expect the unexpected...I get it. Be graceful, grateful, love everybody, everything, and quit griping and moaning because there is always someone who has got it way worse than you. Make sure you tell the ones you love, you love them. If you're getting used by someone, stop allowing it. Most of all, appreciate those who are there for you during the great and bad times. True love and friendship is never absent, inconvenient, annoyed, rude or is loyal and faithful, it envelopes you with security and comfort, love and friendship always brings out your best self. For those of you that love me, I love you back. Thanks for being there during those tearfully happy and scary times. Dare I say that I'm happy? Life is not perfect right now, far from it, but I'm happy. Lots of good times on the horizon, and most will be with my family and friends, because they bring out the best in me. For the bad times coming a little message from my character: "give it your best shot, you don't stand a chance".

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